Monday, February 3, 2014

Valentine's Day snacks and treats

Over the past year and a half my family has cleaned up our diets and striven to eat healthy, whole foods.  I'll admit, we're not perfect.  I love to bake which means there is often cookies or cake in our house, and I cave now and then on the occasional processed treat for my kids (Cheetos, anyone?).  But whenever possible, we try to stick to unprocessed foods and a big part of that is teaching our kids to make healthy food choices.

Valentine's Day is coming up which means that our kids will be attending school parties filled with cupcakes with bright red and pink frosting, cookies with sprinkles, and chips.  And then there are the Valentines themselves with candy bars and Smarties attached.

But there's a way to eat well during this time! Check out my most recent post on Greeley Moms on how to provide healthy options for your child's school party as well as non-candy Valentine ideas:

What healthy treats are you planning to provide for Valentine's Day?

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